12 July Orange Lodge Parade
2016 Southport - Part 1

THE annual July 12 marches in Southport
have taken place. Over 125 Orange Lodges from Liverpool and surrounding
areas took part, with over 5,000 Orange Lodge members marching. The debate over should be allowed rages on, 1 massive plus is that it helps Southport's many
bars and clubs. Sadly with the nightlife community decreasing over resent years,
when not in Tourist season, our bars need ever pound spent. This annual
event keep many of them ticking over. Irish history is always a hot bed of problems, but
if you take that side of it out, it is a colourful parade that has evolved into an
interesting spectacle for tourists. Mostly it is very good natured, but as with
any politically charged event, that mixes alcohol, sometimes issues do happen.
With a high Police presents and the help of the lodges them selves, at this year
there was little to no sign of any trouble or disturbances, so this meant the day passed
off very well. It’s hard to say, but numbers did seem lower, but this year, but it
was on a weekday and not a weekend. We have taken some snaps of the mornings
marches and put them on this edition. We will have some more photographs that we took
at the evening (return) marches in the next edition... These photos where
taken as the first set of parades took place, in the morning. Please email us your views
about the event to:-
