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2005-08-29 00:00:00 The benefits of flexibility
TOURISM companies in Merseyside could find it pays to offer flexible working arrangements to their workforce, according to Tourism HR. The service, supported by The Mersey Partnership, offers bespoke human resources support to the region

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Usdaw says Boots staff aren't made for standing
RETAIL union Usdaw is backing staff at Boots who say standing only tills are making their daily jobs uncomfortable and even dangerous to their health. Those concerns expressed by frontline retail staff are backed up by a new TUC report that says workers

2005-08-29 00:00:00 GREEN STREETS OF LIVERPOOL
THE STREETS of Liverpool will be clean and green this weekend, thanks to a massive recycling drive. More than 300,000 people will be dancing, drinking and having fun outdoors over the Bank Holiday at the Mathew Street festival, and they'll be creating a

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Calling All Budding Artists
PHONAK, the Cheshire-based hearing instrument manufacturer is inviting budding young artists to show off their talent in a national calendar design competition.

The North West Air Ambulance HAS NOT launched an appeal for cash help in the face of mounting costs, mainly for fuel. "This report has been in some of the national and local media last week. I would like to stress that it was not run in this publication

2005-08-29 00:00:00 Shooting incident at the Mood Bar in Liverpool City Centre...
MERSEYSIDE Police are appealing for information following an incident that happened at about 2.25am on Friday 26 August 2005, police were called to the Mood Bar on Fleet Street following reports that one of their door staff had been shot in the thigh by

ALONG with Judy Dench, Tim Henman, Sir Richard Attenborough and Esther Rantzen they're all charity trustees, just some of the 900,000 people running the 190,000 charities in England and Wales. Today the Get on Board campaign, to recruit more charity trust

2005-08-29 00:00:00 New
LIVERPOOL'S famous Picton Reading Room is to be renovated after the government approved extra money for the redevelopment of Central Library. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has awarded Liverpool an extra

2005-08-29 00:00:00  BHP Billiton backs the battle on environment black spots

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Southport golfer is runner-up in Golf Foundation Weetabix Age Group Championships

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Licensees urged to apply for licences
THE Council is urging businesses and individuals in Warrington that have not already done so to apply for their new premises licence, club premises certificate or personal licence. The Council's Licensing Committee was advised that as of Friday 12 August

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Search For A Star Heat 2
YES, now Heat Two of this year's three heats, to find out who will go through to the finals of the North West British Resorts' Search for A Star Competition. Sadly, not all the contestants actually turned up for the 25 August heat, though the number of he

SICK of being a nation of sick workers? British workers have taken off around 78 million working days in the last 12 months

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Reader Competition... Tasty Allergy Friendly Foods!
JUST to celebrate the extension of its range of tasty allergy friendly foods, OK foods has teamed up with the Southport & Mersey Reporter to offer you the opportunity to win a fantastic prize.

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Twin wingwalkers set to go Utterly Butterly at Southport Air Show, Lancashire on 10 & 11 September 2005!
THE world

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Mayor's charity cabaret
THE Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Hans Mundry, has organised a cabaret night in support of his charity appeal and everyone is invited. The Decapo Dance Band will present the cabaret on Friday 23 September at Sir Thomas Boteler School, Grammar School Road

2005-08-29 00:00:00 
A major scheme that is set to transform Aintree Racecourse was today strengthened by the announcement of a

2005-08-29 00:00:00 Southport FC v Stevenage Borough FC
THE match held on Saturday 20 August 2005 witnessed Stevenage arriving late due to a serious accident on the M6, kick off being delayed until 1530hrs. Southport made one significant change to their line up, last seasons top scorer Terry Fearns was replace

2005-08-29 00:00:00  Honda HF4S Racing Series, Liverpool Grand Prix
THE event was held over 2 days and including 2 rounds of the offshore HF4S 4-Stroke Championship

2005-08-29 00:00:00 Southport Flower Show 2005
UNLIKE past years the weather at the Southport Flower Show was bright and sunny, and not a drop of rain in sight. As always it was a huge success, not only for the locals but also the tourist and vendors alike, there was also a lot of TV coverage, the big

2005-08-29 00:00:00 Officially Unveiled
ON 22 April Monday 2005, Mrs Errol Knowles, the wife of the late Pier Trust Chairman, David Knowles unveiled the tram's plaque at the official unveiling of the Southport Pier Tram. The tram will travel Britain's longest overland pier, all 3633ft of it,

2005-08-22 00:00:00 VIOLENCE...IT'S NOT OK!
YOUNG OFFENDERS are saying "NO!" to violence in a series of hard-hitting radio adverts. The It's Not OK project looks at all types of violence but the radio adverts focus on alcohol-related aggression in particular. This part of the project, delivered by

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Mo Mowlam
THE Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Hans Mundry, said:- "Warrington has great affection for Mo Mowlam and we were very saddened to hear of her death. Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband Jon and family.

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Get FunKy! Get Funky! LIVE BAND NIGHT.
YES it's time to get on down and get funky at 32 West Street, Southport, as the Funky Peach opens it's doors to live entertainment in the form of the hottest new Indy Rock bands. Headlining this week will be L20 who are signed with LBM Records and about

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Transfer aims to breathe new life into old homes
LIVERPOOL could soon be sharing control of all its 19,000 council homes with tenants. In consultation with tenants, the city's housing chiefs have come up with pioneering plans which could see them taking an active role in all aspects of the management

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Southport's new Pier Tram - the only one of its kind in the world
THE 100-seater custom-built British vehicle will link the end of the UK's second longest Pier with Southport town-centre, passing the Ocean Plaza complex en route. It has been funded with a quarter of a million pounds from Mersey Waterfront, alongside

2005-08-22 00:00:00 THIS WILL BE THE DAY
PLAQUE to be unveiled marking the site of The Beatles first recording. A little known landmark in the history of The Beatles will be launched onto Liverpool's tourist map with the unveiling of a plaque in Kensington.

2005-08-22 00:00:00 NESTL
AS 3,758,690 6 to 11 year olds in England prepare to head back to school, armed with their new school bag and an apple for their teacher, Mums can give them a head start to the year by creating their very own reference library, for free, courtesy of

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Reader Competition... Tasty Allergy Friendly Foods!
TO celebrate the extension of its range of tasty allergy friendly foods, OK foods has teamed up with the Southport & Mersey Reporter to offer you the opportunity to win a fantastic prize.

2005-08-22 00:00:00 GOLD TASTE AWARDS
A record number of foods produced in the North West have been awarded Gold in the Great Taste Awards - the 'Oscars' of the world of fine food and drink. In the current climate of concern regarding sourcing, traceability and regionality of the foods we eat

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Solo and Sidecars Motorcycles at Aintree MC Racing Club
IT was a wet and windy morning when we set out to see the Road Race Meeting at Aintree on Saturday 13 August 2005. The aim of the day was to learn more about a local racing team... I was very dubious about enjoying it because of the appalling weather,

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Southport Rugby League Club Training Launch!!!
SOUTHPORT Rugby League Club play in the North West Counties Leagues in the UK's elite winter competition.

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Southport FC v York City FC
SOUTHPORT played their first game at Haig Avenue last Tuesday night back in the Nationwide Conference after promotion last year.Defeat on the opening day of the season away to Dagenham and Redbridge 3-1, was followed by a torrid evening against the

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Letters To Editor:- "Hydro Active Women's Leonard Cheshire Challenge 2005."
"I'M asking all of your female readers to take part in Hydro Active Women's Challenge 2005 - in support of disability charity Leonard Cheshire.

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Dream ride is all hot air
A man from Mossley Hill will have a birds eye view of the 2008 European Capital of Culture as part of the city's 20/08 celebrations. Keith Steen will fulfil a lifetime ambition when he lifts off from Sefton Park in a hot air balloon on Saturday evening

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Free Baby on Board Stickers for Families in the North West
AS families across the UK set off on the long summer holiday drive, is offering free Baby on Board signs to help with safety and are offering families across the North West the chance to receive a free Baby on Board sign for their car as

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Get into the recycling habit
A NEW campaign has been launched in Warrington to encourage householders to get into the recycling habit. The campaign, Trees for the UK/Trees for Africa, was launched recently at Bank Park, and will give the borough one native tree for every tonne of

Photographs by Patrick Trollope

2005-08-22 00:00:00 A 3rd of North West Independent Retailers Aware of Fake Cigarettes in Their Area
A new survey has found that 32% of independent retailers in the North West are aware of counterfeit tobacco products in their area. The survey by the Tobacco Alliance, which represents 17,000 independent retailers across the UK through its "Retailers

2005-08-22 00:00:00 WORKING ON WELL-BEING
CULTURE bosses in Liverpool are asking health experts for help in a new scheme to cut stress and illness among people in the city. The Liverpool Culture Company will soon be running a series of workshops for health professionals to get them thinking about

OMNIBUS research commissioned by Spontex has shown that a massive 95% of people are distracted during sex by dust, dishes and dirt. The research reveals that people who clean the house regularly have a more fulfilling love life than those who leave the

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Celebrity Babes lay down Tache Challenge to Men
IT'S official, facial hair is more common than you think! According to a new survey by 118118, 75% of UK men have experimented with facial hair in their lifetime. Why? Over 50% of them grow a tache or beard either to impress women or to appear more mature

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Free swimming causes a splash
A FREE Swimming initiative has caused a splash in Warrington with more than 12,000 children and young people attending in the first 2 weeks. 4 Golden Gates Leisure Centres are taking part in 'Free Swim for Kids', which runs until 4th September and in the

THE North West Air Ambulance was called out to three severe incidents resulting in fatalities over the weekend and in response is urging drivers to watch their speed and drive considerately.

ENGLAND U17s coach, John Peacock has named three Liverpool-based players in his 18-man squad for the Pepsi Tournament, which will bring together teams from Portugal, Italy, the United States and England from 31 August to 4 September. Everton duo John Paul

2005-08-22 00:00:00 It's a lion's share for smart owners in the North West
SMART owners in the North West are used to attracting admiring glances from other people, but not quite so accustomed to longing looks from lions

2005-08-22 00:00:00 MP's close up view of bittern recovery work
MP Geraldine Smith will this week learn at first hand how vital work is helping turn round the fortunes of one of Britain's rarest breeding birds. And she will also hear of the need to maintain dedicated EU funding for biodiversity. Ms Smith will be

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Nurseries are Number One!
NEW figures revealed by OFSTED comparing local authorities around the country reveal that early learning in 96% of day nurseries in Liverpool is either 'good' or 'very good', while playgroups have received an impressive 100% record!

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Plumbase Opens new St Helens Branch
CUSTOMERS were already queuing at 7am on Monday morning for the opening of the new St Helens branch of Plumbase.

2005-08-22 00:00:00 Right or wrong?
YOU just can't get away from it, can you? It's like having to live a nightmare a world where, it seems, even those who are ostensibly intelligent and honest have to think before they link one word with another. The rules of good etiquette have now been

9 FISH and chip shops across Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Cheshire are on the road to success as they batter it out to be announced the best in their area in the 2005 National Fish & Chip Shop of the Year Competition.

2005-08-22 00:00:00  LINK FORUM UPDATE!!!
DO not forget the Link Forum Support's Patient and Public Involvement Forum "Shaping Health Week" from 19 September 2005. This week will combine events throughout the North West in order to raise the profile of the Forums and recruit new members. The

2005-08-22 00:00:00  Search For A Star 2005 Heat 1
YES it is back again for another year, the longest running talent competition held it's first heat for this year British Resorts, Search For A Star 2005. Like normal it was held again at the Southport Art's Centre in Southport on the 18 August 2005. The

2005-08-22 00:00:00 SOUTHPORT FLOWER SHOW
THE Southport Flower Show attracts over 10,000 visitors each year, and is the UK independent flower show. It first started in 1924 it stands in 34 acres of Victorian Park close to the town next to the seaside. The theme for this year

VIDEO gaming used to be boys' territory. Not anymore. The male games-playing community of Liverpool are about to be kicked into the 21st century courtesy of some serious girl power. On the 23 July, Gamestation, the video games store in Lord Street is

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Children's centre set for green light
A new state-of-the art children's centre in north Liverpool is set to be approved by the city council. The new

2005-08-14 00:00:00 IT'S FOR YOO-HOO!
ARENA art gallery is ringing the changes next week with a new exhibition on mobile phone technology. 11 artists are encouraging viewers to take a closer look at mobile phones. From lo-fi to cutting-edge, the work explores not only the technology, but the

2005-08-14 00:00:00 4x4s - A nation divided
YOU either love 'em or hate 'em - 4x4 vehicles that is. New research by motor insurance quote finder Motor Insurance Co UK finds UK motorists evenly split on whether 4x4 vehicles are a nuisance or a god-send. More than a quarter of the 589 drivers (27%)

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Is this the way to ... Mathew Street!
TONY Christie is to star at Europe's biggest free city centre music festival. The Yorkshire-born, evergreen pop legend will top the bill on the Sunday of Liverpool's 3-day Mathew Street Music Festival. Tony, who was catapulted back into the limelight than

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Pleasureland Memories
THE story of Southport's famous amusement park, Pleasureland, is to be told for the first time in a new book to be released on 20 August 2005: 'Pleasureland Memories: A History of Southport's Amusement Park'.

LIVERPOOL'S Lady Lever Art Gallery is one of the forty museums and galleries throughout England to benefit from grants totalling

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Letters to Editor:- "Meningitis Trust's cross Morecambe Bay walk"
"ON behalf of the Meningitis Trust I would like to thank all those people in the North West who took part in, or supported the Meningitis Trust's cross Morecambe Bay walk.

SaBRE, The organisation tasked by the Ministry of Defence with the job of providing support for Britain's Reservists their employers will be present at the Southport Air Show this weekend. They will be part of a major display of units of the Reserve Force

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Pictures mean Prizes for North West Kids with New Drawing Competition
A national competition is asking kids to draw or paint their favourite summer day of 2005, with some great prizes up for grabs

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Letters to Editor:- "Matthew Street Festival"
"I know that your not organizers of the Matthew Street Festival, but being with you being in the media side of things I would like to put my point across of how disheartened, Angry and totally amazed I am that Liverpool's finest rock band 'Reece' are not

2005-08-14 00:00:00 "Beatlemania"
LIVERPOOL witnessed a ''Beatlemania'' style stampeded this week - as 8,000 wristbands for a major gig at the 2005 Mathew Street Music Festival were snapped up within three hours. People in Liverpool were reported queuing outside HMV stores from 1am this

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Big names to play Pop at Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool
THE concert is on Saturday 10 September at the Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool. It has been organised by myself:- Hayley (Red Sun (Entertainment)Ltd and Paul Brooks and Lesley Kirby from Paul Brooks Music. proceeds going to

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Woodvale Rally 2005...
THE event was a massive success, even with the uncertainty of the base hanging over the show, event goers all aid that this show must keep going, no matter what. One of the many exhibiter told us that "I have been at this event for so many year now, I

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Green fingered group gets ready for summer garden success
TO mark the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, The Royal British Legion is running a campaign called 'The Nation's Biggest Thank You' to give people across the country the opportunity to celebrate, remember and say Thank You to all those men and

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Students need a degree of tax awareness
STUDENTS who take the decision to work during the summer holidays may also benefit from a degree of tax awareness says ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). Whilst it is most likely that students will undertake part-time work in bars

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Wirral company helps beat greenhouse gas emissions
A well-established Wirral company is breaking into new markets with a revolutionary new aerator product that could create energy savings equivalent to the output of a small nuclear power station. As well as being highly effective in introducing oxygen

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Charitable Trio Score with Kwik Football Stadium Tour
THREE football fans from Kwik-Fit Financial Services aim to raise

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Birds from the dock to the bay
AREN'T birds brilliant! cruises aboard a Mersey Ferry. Ever wondered what life there actually is on the ocean wave? Then climb on board an RSPB Aren't birds brilliant! Wildlife Cruise into Liverpool Bay to find out. The cruises offer the chance to see

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Prince's Trust Recruiting
THE Prince's Trust team programme has just finished another successful 12 week run with 10 young people completing the programme and gaining various qualifications. Throughout the 12 weeks, which began on 16 May, the team has accomplished

2005-08-14 00:00:00 17,000 raised by 5-a-side Football Challenge
THANKS to the support of the 17 teams who took part in the Motability and RAC 5-a-side Football Charity Challenge, many disabled people on the Motability Scheme will be helped to obtain the mobility solution they need. The football challenge took place in

TO mark the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, The Royal British Legion is running a campaign called 'The Nation's Biggest Thank You' to give people across the country the opportunity to celebrate, remember and say Thank You to all those men

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Historic halls on show
LIVERPOOL is opening the doors to 2 of its most historic buildings. From August 15, visitors will have a week-long opportunity to take a glimpse at the lavish interiors of St George's Hall and Liverpool Town Hall.

2005-08-14 00:00:00 SINGING TO THE HEAVENS
LIVERPOOL will be stomping to the stirring sounds of gospel music this weekend as a 3 day festival begins. The gospel extravaganza in Toxteth features soaring voices from groups, rappers and soul singers from as far apart as Africa, Spain, London and Live

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Brits Abroad - Sex, Lies & Swinging?
WITH thousands of North West holidaymakers heading abroad this summer, a new survey reveals our holiday sexploits:-

A new survey by Prudential Home Insurance has revealed that householders are not doing enough to safeguard their homes from burglary. Despite the fact that 1-in-5 have experienced a burglary, they currently spend on average less than

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Clean Sweep Of Waste Cheats
ROGUE waste carriers who cause major fly-tipping problems are being targeted in a major operation this week. Liverpool City Council's City Centre Neighbourhood Management Team is leading "Operation Cleansweep" on Tuesday 9 August to target unregistered

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Animal extravaganza
PET parades and a barbecue are just some of the treats on offer at Walton Hall Children's Zoo's animal extravaganza on Sunday 14 August - and everyone is invited to come along. The zoo rangers and Friends of Walton Estate have organised the event, called

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Job Advert:- Southport Sandwitch Bar
SHAMROCK'S sandwich Bar in Southport requires from September 2005 a part time staff member to work in the sandwich and coffee bar. Call 01704 501 769 for more information and for application forms.

2005-08-14 00:00:00 Creamfields 2005 Announced
BRING on the noise as August Bank Holiday weekend will see the return of Creamfields in Liverpool! The UK's favourite dance festival will boast a massive line up guaranteed to see us dancing well into the Autumn! Having scooped 'Best Dance Festival' in

2005-08-14 00:00:00 STEAM ON IN TO THIS YEARS RAILWAY SHOW!!!!
ON the 24 September and 25 September 2005, Southport Model Railway Sociaty will holds it's 32nd consecutive Annual Exhibition. Tony Kuivala, Honorary Exhibition Manager said that:- "We will be presenting Layouts from Cumbria, West Yorkshire, East and

2005-08-14 00:00:00 JUST BUG FUN!
HUNDREDS of nature lovers descended on to the dunes on Wednesday 10 August, as English Nature held an open day at the Ainsdale National Nature Reserve. The aim was to show local people what English Nature does and just what a fantastic area we have for

HSBC Bank has found that a third of Britain's four million small businesses have changed their legal structure since they were formed, to take advantage of reduced financial risk and lower tax rates for limited companies. But because the 2004 Budget made

NEW permanent exhibition. The award-winning Conservation Centre in the heart of Liverpool's city centre will be refurbished over the winter to offer visitors new, exciting displays in 2006. Home to a team of internationally-renowned conservators, the

FEATURE filmmakers have yet again chosen world heritage status city Liverpool as a location double for New York. 'Beyond Friendship', which stars American Actress Winona Ryder is due to be partly shot in the city (Thursday 4 to 7 August) at the location

2005-08-07 00:00:00 FALSE ID FRAUD UP 13% IN 2005
CIFAS, the UK's fraud prevention service that helps consumers protect their identity from misuse, has reported over 375,000 live records on its database at the end of June 2005. This is an increase year on year of 6% with false ID fraud up by 13%.

PETER Eaton from Liverpool is one step closer to the final of Dunlop's Ultimate Biker after taking the title of top rider at the Harley Davidson Rider's Edge event in Wales. Peter was one of 23 motorcycle enthusiasts who faced a number of gruelling

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Neutering your pet has many health benefits says PDSA
GETTING a pet neutered could help to save its life and is an important part of responsible pet care says PDSA, the UK's leading veterinary charity. As well as helping to reduce the problem of stray and abandoned pets and unwanted pregnancies, neutering

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Balls to breast cancer
MICHAEL Howard MP and Cherie Blair give public backing for first ever guide aimed at Men with Breast Cancer. With Breast Cancer Awareness Month just around the corner, it is a timely reminder that men can get breast cancer too.

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Rewards for recycling
HOUSEHOLDERS are being encouraged to get into the recycling habit with the launch of a new campaign called 'Trees for the UK/Trees for Africa'. The campaign will give the borough one native tree for every tonne of aluminium cans and foil recycled, and at

CHRISTMAS may seem like a long time away, but for those who like to be well organised here are details of a 2005 Christmas lunch with a difference. The 'Comedians Christmas Lunch' offers a traditional 3-course meal with all the trimmings in comfortable

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Grants and Support Available Now For New Rural Social Enterprises
FINANCIAL support and free specialist advice is available now for those looking to set up a community or social enterprise in a rural part of the North West. But time is running out, as applications need to be in by 30 September. Enterprise for Inclusion

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Dismay at Drink Sales to Teens
ALMOST half of all retailers surveyed in Liverpool, as part of a crackdown on sales to underage drinkers, were willing to sell to under 18s. In the first 3-day operation of the summer-long campaign, Trading Standards Officers, accompanied by 15 and 16

THE region's top Jaguar dealership, Jaguar House, has flown the flag at the highlight of the area's automotive calendar, this year's North West Historic Motor Show. On the 23 July to 24 July, the Historic Motor Show was held at Victoria Park, overlooking

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Liverpool's city leadership under the spotlight
LIVERPOOL'S city leaders are taking part in a major new research project with the Centre for Cities. City Leadership is examining the scope for Liverpool to take on more financial powers, to support local economic development and job creation.

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Authority plans for Liverpool's first In-Vessel Composting Facility
MERSEYSIDE Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA) today submitted plans for Liverpool's first In-Vessel Composting Facility. The facility, which would accept green garden and kitchen waste collected by local councils, would improve the region's recycling rate,

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Liverpool city centre living under the spotlight
LIVERPOOL city centre residents are taking part in a major new research project for the Centre for Cities examining the growth of city-centre living. Through a series of focus groups and other methods, it is asking why people choose to live in the city

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Age Concern St Helens offers free thermometer to protect older people
EACH year a staggering 1 in 10 people in the UK suffer from food poisoning with a large percentage of these cases caused by poor refrigerator temperature control. Age Concern St Helens knows that food poisoning can be very dangerous especially for the

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Bunny Girls in Havana
SATURDAY 30 July it was part night again at Havana. This time it was Super Heroes & Playboy Bunny's... True to form the lasses came out all dressed as bunnies, but sadly not a supper hero in site. One of the many bunnies said:- "I wanted to find my

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Strengthening forestry in England's northwest
THE future growth and development of the Northwest's forestry industries is the focus of an innovative new project being undertaken by the Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA). Complementing the emerging North West Forestry Framework, the project

2005-08-07 00:00:00 A Levels don't panic
ON Thursday, August 18 A level exam results will come through the door, whatever your expectations and plans, you need to be prepared. Follow this step-by-step guide to help you through.

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Free Flying Lessons for Women throughout the UK Courtesy of the British Women Pilots' Association
THE British Women Pilots' Association (BWPA) announced that it has secured more than 50 free trial lessons for women throughout the UK. Despite the fact that the first woman in the UK won her licence in 1911, today only 6% of licensed pilots in the UK are

THEY'VE taken over the bedroom and the boardroom and they've always owned the kitchen, but now women in the North West have pulled the last remaining cloth from out of their man's table - the restaurant. Gone are the days when the man booked a restaurant,

2005-08-07 00:00:00 British Triathlon announces World Championship team after Salford World Cup Triumphs
FOLLOWING the success of British athletes at Sunday's 2005 Countryside Properties Salford Triathlon ITU World Cup the British Triathlon Association has announced its team for this year's ITU World Championships in Gamagori Japan.

2005-08-07 00:00:00 French take Gold Medal in Salford's third ITU World Cup
FRANCE'S Frederic Belaubre was crowned the 2005 men's winner of the Countryside Properties Salford Triathlon ITU World Cup on Sunday 31 July with a time of 1 hour 51 minutes and 35 seconds. Followed closely in 2nd place by Czech Republic's Filip Ospaly

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Danger, Danger - High Voltage! Help your kids to stay safe this summer
SCHOOL'S out for summer and kids everywhere are plugging in the PlayStation, turning on TV's, and connecting their computers. Gone are the days of hopscotch and spin the top, 21st century toys are state of the art, so make sure your kids are switched on

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Green fingered group gets ready for summer garden success
A double award-winning community green is heading for a hat trick of prizes with the help of new grant funded gardening equipment. Liverpool's Lister Residents' Association is hoping to reclaim its North West in Bloom title this year. Thanks to almost

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Southport and Formby Area Power Surges
OVER the last two-week Southport and Formby have been hit by several large power surges that have damaged computers, like in our office and also set of countless alarms all over the area. We have had countless requests to find out if we know, or if we can

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Are you the next superstar DJ or Producer???
FREE music workshops and the chance to win a 3 month music production scholarship thanks to Orange and Point Blank

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Parking Charges Set to Rise
CAR parking charges in Liverpool are set to rise for the first time in 10 years. The increases in off street car park charge will rise by between 20 and 30p an hour. On-street charges are also to rise in the city centre controlled parking zones.

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Mersey Street Performance Festival in Southport
SATURDAY and Sunday (30 July 31 July) Street performers from all over the world came in to Southport to give us a taste of what we can expect to see at this years Merseyside International Street Performance Festival, to be held in Liverpool later this

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Job Advert:- Southport Sandwitch Bar
SHAMROCK'S sandwich Bar in Southport requires from September 2005 a part time staff member to work in the sandwich and coffee bar. Call 01704 501 769 for more information and for application forms

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Job Advert:- "TEAM LEADER - RUSKIN LODGE, ST HELENS"
A great opportunity exists to lead a fully qualified committed team of carers in a warm, friendly, supportive atmosphere at the Pilkington Family Trusts' respite care home for up to 22 guests. This is a purpose built modern care home, fully resourced and

2005-08-07 00:00:00 Everton V's Manchester United
THE new Premiership football season is nearly upon us and football fans from all over the country will be in for a world class save at Pleasureland!

SOUTHPORT Flower Show has announced the launch of the



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